"Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.."
Psalm 25:4
To provide professional quality sound through music, singing, preaching and speaking for a perfect audio experience.
To present a visual video projection for worshipers to engage together through singing, sermon notes and videos.
To livestream Worship services, bible study and special events.
Get Involved
Our technical staff are professional volunteers and we're always looking for dedicated servants to be a part of our team.
We require everyone to work as a team, dedicated and most importantly to be dependable.
If you have talent in any of these areas, computers, website, sound, video, photography, your help is needed.
Also, if you would like to learn and be a part of the team, come, we'll train you.

Sanctuary Worship and Livesteam Groups
Sanctuary Worship Group
This group provides sound and visual projection effects for the sanctuary worshipers. It's staffed by 2 volunteers for every worship service. The visual programming is done before each service and displayed during the worship time. Also the pastor's sermon notes and scripture references are displayed during the presentation.
Livestream Group
This group operates from the media room for online live-steaming. It's staffed by 6 volunteers for every worship service. Our equipment is modern, fully capable to livestream, using 4 hd cameras, video input switcher, video feed mixer, digital sound board to record, produce and edit content. They're responsible for programing online video, visuals and provide pleasing audio. They also livestream a weekly bible study and special programs .
Come, be a part of this outreach...
Contact us for more information.
Covenant Baptist Church Media